Friday, January 19, 2007

Greg Gillispie On The Future Of Radio

From FMQB, Greg Gillispie on the future of radio:
"There are so many ifs, ands, and buts. We are our own best competition is the best way to operate. Rather than focusing on what anyone else is doing, why not look inside and do the best you can do.""Today society is consumed with complex technologies; yet desires simplicity. Robbie Blinkoff, managing partner of Context-Based Research Group has coined the term, ‘simplexity.’"

"Faith Popcorn says, “Personalized media technologies are spawning a ‘networked self,’ which will shape society at large.” The industry must know society is regaining control of its life. People know what they want, when they want it, and how they want it. Rather than being consumed with consuming properties, the industry needs to be consumed with its consumers."

"Approaching ownership from a small business perspective creates a stronger bond with and allows more free movement in serving the community. The hope is owners, be they new, revitalized, or existing, take this approach in many markets that have been neglected or operated as a small piece of a monstrous puzzle. The good news is smaller companies are widening the performance gap
with bigger companies in small to mid-size markets. Analysts indicate increased Wall
St. attention. The bad news is the cost of acquiring platforms in these markets could have the same effect as restructuring."
I’ve had the good fortune to enjoy enlightening conversations about programming with Greg back when he was a McVay Media consultant. (Thanks for your guidance.) I also competed with Greg as a fellow programmer when we both programmed in Pittsburgh (his 2nd time around and my 1st). Greg’s insights are always revealing. Anytime you get the chance to hear one of his stations or read one of his articles, take note.

Click here to read Greg’s full article in FMQB.

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