Friday, May 25, 2007

Top Ten Reasons Why PR Doesn’t Work

Margie Zable Fisher from provides the top ten reasons why PR doesn’t work:

  1. The client doesn’t understand the publicity process.
  2. The scope of work is not detailed and agreed upon by both parties.
  3. The client has not been properly trained on how to communicate with the media.
  4. The client and the PR person or firm are not a good match.
  5. The client has not gotten results quickly enough and ends the relationship too soon.
  6. PR people don’t explain the kind of publicity placements a client will most likely receive.
  7. Clients don’t realize that what happens after you get the publicity coverage is sometimes more important than the actual placement.
  8. Clients refuse to be flexible on their story angles.
  9. Clients get upset when the media coverage is not 100% accurate or not the kind of coverage that they wanted.
  10. Clients won’t change their schedules for the media.

Great tips for publicity-seeking personalities and broadcasters in both small and major markets.

Politics (or Programming) for the Facebook Generation

Can we learn about programming and marketing from a politician? I think so.

Watch David Miliband, UK Secretary of State for the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), as he talks about politics for the Facebook generation at the 2007 Google “Zeitgeist” Conference. Simply substitute the words "politics" and "citizen" for “radio” and “listener” ("business" and "customer") and you have an enlightening point of view on what programmers and marketers need to see. Try it for yourself...

Link to video here

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Bob’s “16 Rules”

Go Daddy CEO Bob Parsons shares his “16 Rules for Success”:

[View larger image]

Check out Bob’s “Hot Points” blog here.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Close The Brand Gap

Close your knowledge gap on branding with this presention from the author of the Brand Gap:

Oh, No! Not Another Meeting?

Here we go again (and again)…

From the moment you walk into the conference room door, do you feel like you are in a J.A.M. (Just Another Meeting)?
Seth Godin advises to turn away from the typical meeting and do something different. Read his thought-provoking insights here.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Tiger Traits

In his book Tiger Traits, corporate trainer Dr. Nate Booth reveals nine success traits you can discover from Tiger Woods to be a business champion.

  • Tiger Trait #1: Identify and Develop Natural Talents
  • Tiger Trait #2: Create a Clear and Compelling Dream
  • Tiger Trait #3: Select Teachers, Heroes, and Teammates Who Guide, Inspire, and Support
  • Tiger Trait #4: Be Confident
  • Tiger Trait #5: Manufacture Magnificent Mental Models
  • Tiger Trait #6: Let Actions Do the Talking
  • Tiger Trait #7: Constantly Improve in Good Times and Bad
  • Tiger Trait #8: Be Likeable
  • Tiger Trait #9: Be Grateful, Give Back

Emulate these traits today to become a better manager, programmer or personality – and inspire others. Resolve to be a champion in your company/cluster, family and community.

Download a free chapter from the book

*Note: The book and author are not affiliated or endorsed by Tiger Woods.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Mancow's Ten Commandments for Radio Personalities

In the wake of the Imus, Elvis & JV firings and the Opie & Anthony suspension, now might be a good time to take some advice from Mancow. Not the Bay Bridge blocking Mancow of old, but the new, rested, relaxed, reflective and self-regulated Mancow who’s now advocating that radio personalities practice responsible radio. To aid jocks in being responsible on-air, Mancow has created Ten Commandments for Radio Personalities. They are:

1. Thou shalt never endanger listeners.

2. Racism is always a dumb idea.

3. Complacency on the inside loses listeners from the outside. Work at your art.

4. Contests must always be straight forward. (Being too cute with contests can be costly.)

5. Advertisers pay you. They are your friends.

6. Have a delay button (preferably 20 seconds or more) and when in doubt use it.

7. Don’t dis someone’s religion.

8. Don’t let anyone curse in your studio ever. Get them out of that habit. If they are comfortable with cursing, it can someday accidentally get on the radio.

9. Instruct guests on your radio standards so they don’t get you in trouble.

10. Do good. (We’re not on earth to mark time. We’re here to make a difference).

Monday, May 07, 2007

Punk Marketing Manifesto

"Mediocre marketing does more harm than good" is just one of the new marketing paridigms revealed in Punk Marketing - the best-selling book from co-authors Richard Laermer and Mark Simmons. In a world where the lines between commerce, concent and consumers are continuing to blur ever more rapidly, Laermer and Simmons present a manifesto for any businessperson (programmer) needing to engage consumers (listeners) - or any consumer seeking to understand and employ their newfound power.

1. Avoid Risk and Die
In times of change the greatest risk is to take none at all.

2. Why Not Ask ‘Why Not?’
Assumptions are just that. Anything you assume is usually a half-truth or generalizations that once served a useful purpose but now hinders truly creative solutions.

3. Take a Strong Stand
Trying to be all things to everyone on the planet inevitably results in meaning little of interest to just about anybody.

4. Don’t Pander
Customers are important but they are not necessarily right.

5. Give Up Control
Consumers now control brands. Smart marketers recognize this and embrace it rather than fight the powerful truth.

6. Expose Yourself
A relationship of trust between brand and consumer, like that between two people, is built upon honesty.

7. Make Enemies
All brands need to position themselves against an alternative.

8. Leave Them Wanting More
Avoid the temptation to reveal all of your assets at once. Or as the masters have said: You don’t teach them everything you know. You teach them everything they know.

9. Outthink the Competition
Think smarter than the other dude. Do not be led into temptation by the fast buck and don’t try and outspend them.

10. Don’t Be Seduced By Technology
The media is not the message anymore. The message is the message is the message.

11. Know Who You Are
If you don’t understand what it is that you are good at you might be tempted to try and be something you are not.

12. No More Marketing Bullshit
Get to the point. Express it clearly and simply. Einstein said — we believe he meant marketers: “Things should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler.”

13. Don’t Let Others Set Your Standards
Sorry to tell you this but good no longer means anything while mediocre does more harm than doing nothing.

14. Use the Tools Of The Revolution
Go write your own Manifesto. Remind yourself of its articles whenever you lack resolve.

Join the Punk Marketing revolution here.