Thursday, January 03, 2008

Listener Experience Resolutions

Bruce Tempkin of Forrester and the Customer Experience Matters blog offers ten "Customer Experience Resolutions" for 2008. To put a radio spin on the resolutions, I've subsituted the word "listener" for "customer" to envolve them into "Listener Experience Resolutions" for your station/cluster.
  1. We shall focus more on our listeners and less on ourselves
  2. We shall get to know more about what our listeners really need AND want
  3. We shall formalize a voice-of-the-listener program
  4. We shall incorporate personas in our experience design processess
  5. We shall clearly define our brand in terms of promises to listeners
  6. We shall judge every interaction on how well it fulfills our brand promises
  7. We shall engage front-line employees (from air personalities to interns) in improving listener experiences
  8. We shall get the executive (management) team to collectively own the listener experience
  9. We shall establish a multi-year journey towards listener-centric DNA
  10. We shall give listener experience the attention that it deserves
The bottomline: Put listener experience (on-air, online and in-person) on the top of your 2008 agenda!

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